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Third Party Risk Management

Crowd Safety have extensive experience of overseeing Crowd Management, Event Security and Event Safety procedural execution at Strategic, Tactical and Operational levels that serve to reduce ever present risks and prevent minor incidents escalating into major incidents.

Third-party risk management (TPRM), the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating the risks associated with engaging external third parties such as vendors, suppliers, contractors, and business partners. It involves effective thorough due diligence to identify and address potential risks and analysis of gaps in the execution of policies and procedures, that could affect an organization’s safety operations, legal standing, or ability to provide a safe environment for its audience that can otherwise lead to undesirable outcomes.

Equally - Events of cultural, political and sporting significance, with large concentrations of fans are becoming prominent targets for those seeking disruption. Large concentrations of people – often international – create a natural target, and perpetrators view the media spotlight that these opportunities already attract as a valuable tool in amplifying their intended message.

When planning your TPRM approach, remember that the parties' circumstances may change at any point during the engagement. The process of Identifying, managing, monitoring and reviewing these changes, is critical for safer outcomes.

Ultimately, strengthening your organization, addressing gaps (understanding where the gaps are, implementing processes and protocols), and resolving third-party risk management issues, will improve safety at your events and decrease your overall exposure to risk.

Get in contact for more information or to discuss your requirments